Thursday, May 21, 2009


why do people close their eyes when kissing?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

maunya apa sih

main komputer diomelin
nonton dvd diomelin
nonton tv diomelin
mau jalan2 ga dikasih duit
jadi maunya gw ngapainnnnnnnnn?

Monday, May 18, 2009


*gasp* *gasp* *gasp* *gasp* *blink* *blink*

ahaha. bule si mark-stephen-steven-andrew-siapapun-yang-ketemu-di-busway-ato-mol-apa-lah kalah. zac effron ftw hahahaha.

I Think I'm Ready

listen to this, guys.
such a beautiful lyric. I'm in love with this song <3<3
it's worth a listen.

I Think I'm Ready

I'm used to opening my own doors
And splitting the check
He introduced me
Was always just a friend
I bought a new dress
He didn't notice

Always falling for these bad boys
Such a challenge
I'm getting tired
Of cleaning up after them
I think I'm ready to be a woman

Oh love
I think I'm ready
Ready for it

You were such a surprise
An unexpected gift
Said I was pretty
And I believed it
Not really used to
All this attention

Told myself I don't deserve you
This is just a phase
Could I get used to
Being loved the right way
I want to argue
But there is nothing to say

Oh love
I think I'm ready
Ready for it

Oh love
I think I'm ready

'Cause you send me flowers
When there is no occasion
Ya we talk for hours
You still want to listen
Don't hold it against me
I just need you to hold me tonight

My mother always told me
That you'll show up one day
So scared to feel this way
But love I think I'm ready
Ready for it

Oh love
I think I'm ready
Ready for it

Oh love
I think I'm ready...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

jadwal liburan

jadwal liburan secara garis besar
17 - 24 mei : rumah
25 - 28 mei : ketemu stefani sun (halah ngaco)
28 mei - 1 september : rumah

epic fail

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

just a girl

yes yes yes yes. akhirnya videonya masuk juga.

jadi seperti postingan gue yang sebelum-sebelumnya, kan no doubt minta bantuan fansnya buat ngirim video gitu, dan akhirnya video kita jadi dan uda di upload. dan hari ini akhirnya muncul juga di website

sekarang kita tinggal minta bantuan kalian untuk nonton dan rate video kita. oke? bintang limaaaa. hahaha.
ok ok ok ok ok ok ?? thank you so much!

please watch and rate :) (klik disini)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga

tadi gue ke salon, kk kasirnya bawa majalah looks. terus gue liat2 dong.
pas gw buka halaman awal aja, yg salam dr redaksi itu, gue ngeliatnya dua gaenak, pake quote2 twitter artis gitu.

terusss pas gue buka di tengah2, 2 halaman lebih isinya ngajarin lu main twitter, terus ngumbar2 twitter page artis gitu. aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!! kesel bgt gue. ngapain coba ngumbar2 twitter. gue kesel abis. fuck looks magazine.
dia ngehancurin citra twitter yang keren. pasti mulai saat ini bakal ada ribuan anak gaul jakarta yang ikut make twitter. ew..

uda gitu.. masa ada juga ulasan tentang perez hilton sama miss california itu. pake printscreen page perez hilton juga. liat aja nih, pasti bentar lagi bakal banyak ageje yg ngomongin perez hilton. cih. yg gatau apa2 tp sok ngomong2in. cape deh.

knp mereka harus ngumbar hal2 yang keren ini ke depan umum.. hargailah orang2 yang bener2 sepenuh hati mencintai hal2 tersebut. jangan karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga